Thursday, July 29, 2010

how to reduce agne in step by step

Step 1

Wash your face at least twice a day with a mild cleanser. Use a pH-balanced cleanser without perfumes or too many chemical additives.
Step 2

Touch your face as little as possible, and only when your hands are clean.
Step 3

Avoid squeezing pimples. Bacteria on your hands or on unsterile equipment can lead to more blemishes and possible scarring.
Step 4

Steam your face once or twice a week to help open the pores. Boil water, remove the pot from the stove, drape a towel over your head and hold your face over the pot. Then rinse your face with cold water. (See "Make an Herbal Facial," under Related eHows.)
Step 5

Use essential oils such as calendula, chamomile, juniper, lavendar and mint directly on your skin. Mix 10 drops of any of the oils with 2 tbsp. soy or almond oil, and smooth a few drops on dampened skin.
Step 6

Try using herbs. Saw palmetto can help balance boys' hormones, while chaste tree berry can do the same for girls. Echinacea, alfalfa, burdock root, cayenne, chaparral and yellow dock root are also helpful.
Step 7

Consider other topical mixtures. Beat an egg yolk, apply it with a cotton ball and leave it on for 15 minutes. Alternatively, mix oatmeal and honey together to form a paste and apply it to your face. Oatmeal soaks up excess oil and honey soothes the skin.
Step 8

Take acidophilus to fight bacteria.
Step 9

Eat a diet high in fiber, including whole grains and fresh vegetables and fruits, to keep your body healthy overall and provide nutrients to your skin. Stay away from junk food, caffeine and salty foods.
Step 10

Determine whether specific foods aggravate your skin and eliminate them from your diet.
Step 11

Consider adding zinc supplements to your diet.
Step 12

Limit your exposure to the sun and reduce the stress in your life.

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Read more: How to Reduce Acne Naturally |


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